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Your Vote is Important
Your Vote is Important
Voting is a powerful tool that shareholders have regarding issues related to the investors and funds distributed by Ares Wealth Management Solutions. However, not all shareholders can physically attend those meetings to vote in person, but they may authorize a proxy over the internet, by telephone or by completing, signing and returning the proxy card. It is important that the voice of shareholders be heard, and all are urged to learn about the issues and vote.
For proxy information specific to our private market solutions and for instructions on how to vote, please navigate to the following pages:

Contact Us
Connect with our Wealth Management Solutions team that works with Financial Advisors and Private Wealth Managers to provide alternative solutions. For investors based in EMEA and APAC, please visit our Non-U.S. Investors Contact section.
Individual Investors
Reach out to your Financial Advisor.
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AccessAres is the thought-leadership and educational division of Ares Wealth Management Solutions. The materials distributed by AccessAres are for informational purposes only and do not constitute investment advice or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any security, investment strategy or market sector. Ares Wealth Management Solutions is a global brand of Ares Management Corporation.
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AccessAres is the thought-leadership and educational division of Ares Wealth Management Solutions. The materials distributed by AccessAres are for informational purposes only and do not constitute investment advice or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any security, investment strategy or market sector. Ares Wealth Management Solutions is a global brand of Ares Management Corporation.