Our Team

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First NameLast NameCorporate TitleLocation
LizJonesPartnerNew York
RajDhandaPartner, Global Head of Wealth ManagementDenver
JeffTaylorPartner, Global Chief Operating OfficerDenver
ChristinaAdamsonPartner, Co-Head of US Wealth Management SolutionsDenver
CaseyGalliganPartner, Co-Head of US Wealth Management SolutionsDenver
JillMozerPartner, Head of Ares Real Estate ExchangeDenver
RaleighStrobelPrincipal, Regional DirectorMissouri
EricWolffManaging Director, Regional DirectorPennsylvania
AmberIngramManaging DirectorDenver
BrendanMcCurdyManaging Director, Head of Marketing and ResearchDenver
MollyDuffManaging DirectorLondon
HenryLeePartner, Head of AsiaHong Kong
NeilHoyneManaging DirectorLondon
OmarRaufManaging DirectorLondon
LindsaySchneiderManaging DirectorNew York
CharlesGans-LarteyManaging DirectorNew York
LukeThackerPrincipal, Regional DirectorTexas
ChristopherSwensenPrincipalNew York
KristinaTunickManaging Director, Regional DirectorDenver
MarkSerocoldPartner and Head of EMEALondon
BoscoLeeManaging Director and Head of Product Management AsiaHong Kong
TeikiBenvenisteManaging Director and Head of AWMS Australia, New ZealandSydney
AndyRussoPrincipal, Regional DirectorNew York
ChafenDeLaoPrincipal, Regional DirectorDallas
ChristopherGilpinVice President, Regional DirectorDenver
ChristopherMarxPrincipal, Regional DirectorNew York
FernandoMuñozVice President, Regional DirectorFlorida
HaleySorensenPrincipal, Regional DirectorDenver
JDLindertPrincipal, Regional DirectorWashington
JoeRosanoVice President, Regional DirectorMassachusetts
KatieFlorenceVice President, Regional DirectorMassachusetts
SharaWallaceVice President, Regional DirectorMichigan
ConnorErvinVice President, Regional DirectorDenver
SethCadanManaging DirectorNew York
AshishJainManaging Director, Head of Southeast AsiaSingapore
DrewShieldsVice President, Regional DirectorMinnesota
LoganWoehlVice President, Regional DirectorDenver
AvaPanteliPrincipalNew York
TimKellyVice President, Regional DirectorDenver
JordanSheinkopPrincipalNew York
ClaudiaBarozziPrincipal and Head of International Marketing and BrandingLondon
BridgetteLococoVice PresidentDenver
SarahIshamPrincipalNew York
NatalieWongPrincipalHong Kong
CharlieMartinVice President, Regional DirectorDenver
KeisukeKuboManaging DirectorTokyo
HilaryRomanManaging DirectorNew York

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AccessAres is the thought-leadership and educational division of Ares Wealth Management Solutions. The materials distributed by AccessAres are for informational purposes only and do not constitute investment advice or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any security, investment strategy or market sector. Ares Wealth Management Solutions is a global brand of Ares Management Corporation.